Monday, October 24, 2011

Tengok Bola

Mr Ferguson malu besar bila di belasah MC 1-6. Memang one sided giler. Walhal semua star diturunkan termasuklah Wayne. Aku ingin tabik spring kepada MC. No more a second feeder to MU at Manchester. Merah padam aku tengok muka coach. Malu beb, infront of home crowd. The noisy neigbour indeed created havoc in the neighborhood last nite. But of course he can always blamed Mr Ref for the red card that trigger disaster of the century for them. As a result, MC now sitting pretty 5 points clear at the top. Is this proof that money can buy success? I wonder...hmmm.

Tapi yang aku bengang lagi, Chelsea pulak buat hal. Boleh kalah dgn QPR....ish ish. Tak terbayang dek akal. Mr Tony Fernandez hepi giler...he he. Kalau menang dah boleh potong MU. Chelsea was simply at the wrong stadium at the wrong time last nite.Villas-Boas says "We were superior throughout the game, even with nine men - the best opportunities fell to us. I was very, very proud of the team today. We have two clashes with [Manchester] City where we can make things up eventually."

Piala Malaysia pulak seperti yang dijangka ramai, Terengganu akan bertemu N9 di final. N9 team sangat konsisten di Piala Malaysia kerana ini merupakan kali ke 3 berturut-turut melangkah ke Final. Tapi tahun ni aku ingat the year for the Turtles. Bila dah ngap last year champion TRW like nobody business dan disusuli dengan demolition of '32xchampion' TRG, maka sahlah keutuhan team Terengganu pada tahun ini. Irfan Bakti nampaknya punyai Midas Touch dgn resepi berbisa ala-ala Roberto Mancini di MC.

How about Newcastle FC? They are still undefeated bro, for God sake. With limited budget and average team with no real star, Mr Alan Pardew manage to assemble a reputable team with good attitude and fighting spirits. No obvious star in their team this year actually. Having said that, looks like Arsenal & Liverpool are starting to climb up the tree and positioning themselves at the right place accordingly, top 1/3 of the table. By the way, I wouldn't miss next week game between Chelsea vs Arsenal. Til next time....menang dan Torres.

***Note: SOT is a modest Chelsea fan that still have great hope for Torres to score 20 goals this season.



Cikli said...

analisis saya,
1. dalam perlawanan derby, satu kad merah, red devil dah kalah besar. red warriors kena 3 kad merah (derby pantai timur)....itulah sebab...
2. kalau nak menang, terengganu kena tunggu tahun depang. dulu dia menang, time haji hadi mb. tahun depan bagi kat haji hadi dan menang piala malaysia. zaman umno tak boleh menang.

School Of Tots said...

Satu analisa menarik Cikli pasal team Trg...mitos atau realiti? sama2 kita tunggu.


DOA 4 PERKARA Ustaz adi hidayat (UAH) menyatakan doa yang memohon 4 hal di mana doa ini termaktub dalam hadis Rasulullah SAW yang diriwayatk...