Tuesday, November 22, 2011

We Are The Champion

Yesterday is the past, today is the present, tomorrow is the future. Yesterday is history. And we make history yesterday. We beat Indon in their own ground infront of their own fans. That is history. We became The Champion of two SEA Games in the row. That is history. Other teams need to wait the long two years to try to beat us again. We are the champion of the champion in south east asia region. Forget Thailand. Forget Singapore. Forget Indon or Vietnam or Myanmar. Congratulation Badrol Bakhtiar and the Gang. Malaysia is The Champion. Eventhough Hj Najib never give away public holiday today, still the people feel proud around the nation and vote the champ to shine for years to come. I salute you guys!! You done us all proud. Harimau Muda looks good and nasty....yeeeeah.



zul permatang badak said...

akhirnya..membuahkan kemenangan..........tahniah...

A said...

I really wish we had beaten Singapore as well..anyway, great effort by the young tigers! Though we are thousand miles away from home, the tiger spirit is always there with us..=)

School Of Tots said...

TQ Zul. All the drama as well...Indon score then Malaysia score. In extra time, Indon score & offside. Malaysia also score & offside. During penalty shootout, Indon miss, then Malaysia kick blocked. Then Indon kick saved by Fahmi. Then Badrol Bakhtiar kick was also blocked by the Indon keeper, but still go tru pass the goal line...Malaysia celebrates.

School Of Tots said...

TQ hamba Allah, umat Nabi. Keep the young tiger spirit in you & make us proud.

School Of Tots said...

Adus...kalah la pulak 2-0 ngan Syria. Hope boleh bantai Bahrain hari ahad ni. Rimau dah keletihan.

Cikli said...

harimau muda bukan saja hebat, tapi jugak hensem

School Of Tots said...

TQ Cikli. Semoga bukan hangat2 taik ayam.


DOA 4 PERKARA Ustaz adi hidayat (UAH) menyatakan doa yang memohon 4 hal di mana doa ini termaktub dalam hadis Rasulullah SAW yang diriwayatk...