Life is about choices. You can be negative or positive, it is up to you. We can always view things in various perspective. My way of seeing things may not be the same as yours. My School Of Tots is my inner feeling straight from my heart with a little help from my brain and my little fingers.
Friday, November 04, 2022
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Kerja Dakwah Yang Hilang
Saya ingin mengimbas satu program yang diberi nama Konvensyen Nasional anjuran Persatuan Ulama Malaysia (PUM) dan JAIS atas tajuk Islam dan Islamisasi Di Malaysia berlangsung empat tahun lalu di Shah Alam. Saya merasakan ia sangat relevan dengan objektif pertandingan tulisan ini, untuk sedikit sebanyak mengocak iman kita yang mungkin terlena kepada segala permaslahatan ummah yang berlaku di dalam negara kita khasnya dan di serata dunia amnya. Wacana ilmu yang sungguh intelek dan bermutu tinggi dengan pembentangan 13 kertas kerja oleh tokoh-tokoh akademik dan pentadbiran yang hebat belaka. Sewajarnya program sebegini lebih mendapat sambutan hangat oleh para pencinta ilmu, perisau maslahan ummat, dan pemikir semua. Acara dimalam terakhir atas tema Umara dan Ulama sempena penyampaian watiqah ahli kehormat PUM juga diadakan. Dato Menteri Besar Selangor hadir dan menyampaikan ucapan yang mantap dan bersemangat.
Syarahan perdana bertajuk, ‘Islam: Politik dan Perpaduan Ummah’ oleh Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr Mahmood Zuhdi Ab Majid merangkap pengerusi Majlis Dakwah Negara, telah menghangatkan suasana dan mencelik mata sekelian yang hadir di majlis makan malam itu. Prof menceritakan sejarah politik negara, naratif perbalahan dan perpecahan, hinggalah kepada harapan perpaduan ummah, agar umara dan ulama’ saling berhubung dan berpaut supaya politik tidak lagi jadi pemecah tapi penyatu. Di suasana negara kita dan dunia yang dilingkungi musuh-musuh islam, matlamat terakhir mestilah untuk menegak Agama Allah. Antara masalah kita ada tiga iaitu jahil, taksub dan tiada adab. Maka kembalilah kepada ilmu. Membudaya ilmu dalam masyarakat dan jaga adab. Fahami ilmu secara mendalam hingga ke dasar, barulah bisa mencapai mutiaranya. Ilmu yang datar sekadar melahirkan pimpinan yang palsu. Taksub kepada yang palsu bisa mengundang rebah.
Dakwah adalah satu kerjaya. Kerja siapa? Kerja saya, kerja anda, kerja kita semua yang mengaku ummat Nabi. Dakwah kerja utama Nabi sepanjang hayatnya. Dakwah kerja utama para sahabat sepanjang zaman mereka. Kerja utama para ambiya, dan alim ulama selepas mereka, hingga Islam berkembang luas ke serata alam termasuklah ke kampung kita di bumi Malaysia ini. Islam itu agama fitrah. Islam itu satu-satunya agama yang Allah Pencipta Manusia iktiraf. Thats the Truth. Itulah hakikat sebenar. Maka kerja dakwah iaitu mengajak manusia kepada agama fitrah, mengajak manusia taat kepada Allah itu menjadi satu kerja saya, anda dan kita semua. Tiada pengecualian. Kerja dakwah juga adalah satu proses yang panjang. Semua kita wajar menyumbang kepada proses itu, termasuklah mencetus fikir. Trigger to think. Asas utama ialah kita menyembah Allah, bukan menyembah makhluk Allah. We worship The Creator, not His creation. Tell the Truth. Nothing but The Truth. Kena berani menegak sesuatu yang hak.
Islam itu agama yang benar dan suci. Nampakkan islam itu dipraktik dalam kehidupan. Kita tidak mahu islam diceramahkan semata atau diretorikkan. Sudah terlalu banyak kecelaruan, kemajmukan, kekucarkaciran atau disruption yang berlaku termasuklah dimedia baru yang wujud atas nama anonimiti, borderless, keyboard warrior atau multiple personality. Maka usaha tegar dan efisyen mestilah ada untuk counter keadaan ini. Ambil peluang masuk ke platform media baru dengan content kemurnian islam. Arusperdanakan islam yg sebenar. Kejayaan dan kebahagiaan itu hanya ada dengan Agama. Sebatikan diri dengan Agama. Insya-Allah manusia akan menggarap kecemerlangan yang sebenar bukan sekadar di dunia yang fana, tetapi melangkaui ke alam akhirat yang kekal abadi. Jazakallah.
Penulis Hisham AR pemegang ijazah dari USA, adalah seorang pemerhati dan pemikir yang meminati tulisan dan diskusi intelek, duduk dalam majlis-majlis ilmu dan berkongsi pula ilmu yang didapati itu kepada masyarakat banyak terutama melalui pelbagai media termasuklah coretan-coretan santai di blog, facebook, buku dan grup-grup WA. Dengan harap ilmu yang dikongsikan termasuk dalam kategori ilmu bermanfaat yang punyai nilai sebagai saham akhirat.
Thursday, September 08, 2022
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Tuesday, August 09, 2022
Tuesday, August 02, 2022
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Thursday, June 02, 2022
The truth is many of them, who left Malaysia ended up as non professional in other countries. They work in blue collar positions or try to start their own business to survive there. Some of them just work with minimum wage, which might be higher than ours and that is all.
Maybe less than 30% of them still work in professional fields but at lower positions and possibly lower income after deducting huge income tax despite stronger currency than Malaysia.
Unfortunately, they are so proud of themselves and don't want to accept that they are treated not as second class citizens but third class citizens in other countries especially if they look like people from mainland China or India.
This is the truth and it will take them a lot of effort to improve their life there. Some of them will be highly successful but majority of them will not.
Just laugh if they claim brain drain because many of them might not use their brain and academic qualifications after they emigrated.
Many of them are posting and commenting in social media and online newspapers as if they are very successful outside of Malaysia. The hard truths are their life are worse and they are discriminated more than in Malaysia.
Marc Chua is a person who personally experienced it and now knew that Malaysia is far better but no many of them will admit the truth.
Marc Chua, August 30, 2020
It was the summer of 2017, and I was apartment-hunting in downtown Melbourne. I went on time to meet my realtor at the first house I was called to view. But the realtor was busy speaking to a Caucasian couple.
I didn’t think much of it until I followed the realtor to the next house. The realtor simply refused to unlock the grill to let me in.
I experienced the same later too. I was either allowed to view the place but treated as invisible or denied entry altogether.
For the first time in my life, I understood what racism was.
Though I had been granted an Australian PR within a year after I applied, thanks to the higher-than-average score on both my IELTS and PR qualifications, I soon found out there were no loans, no social support and no opportunities for migrants like me, who were not attached to any multinational corporation. Qualifications and experience didn’t count.
Many Malaysians who had migrated to Australia with cash capital start their own F&B business. Some are also willing to work in entry-level jobs at grocers, supermarkets, or restaurants just to make ends meet.
Very soon, I started to question my decision to migrate.
Like many non-Bumiputera Malaysians, we were instilled with the idea that we were not treated fairly since we were young.
As time progressed and the country’s political stability worsened, we started believing in the inequality that some politicians wanted us to believe. We believed in the racism that in many ways, never truly existed on a wider scale in this country.
We wanted to believe that the grass was greener on the other side. We wanted to believe that there are many places out there around the world that would accept us more openly and fairly than we were in our motherland.
Yes, there’s no denying that there are many successful Malaysians out there around the world, and there is nothing wrong with being inspired by that.
However, I just want to make the point that many of our fundamental qualities were forged on this motherland. When we seek success in a foreign land, we are also leaving our community, our country, and our people behind, BY CHOICE.
I grew up eating Lontong Johor for breakfast, Putu Piring for dessert, playing football by the mosque, going for open houses during Hari Raya, and speaking multiple languages.
I also started my part-time business during the school holidays without any hassle from the authorities.
Beach holidays were just a few hours drive away. Chilling with friends at the mamak till late night was how I spent my regular weekends.
Apart from a very small number of private companies, almost every job opportunity available here in Malaysia is made available for every Malaysian, regardless of our background, religion and ethnicity.
Throughout my life, I have NEVER been treated differently by anybody in this country before I met them, simply because of my ethnicity.
The more I look back on my life, the more I see that we were not sidelined by anybody in Malaysia. We merely chose to segregate ourselves from others.
There are policies that aren’t made equal for everybody, but it was with the purpose of lifting up the ones who are most in need.
That is why I came back. I gave up the Australian PR that so many family and friends around me are yearning for.
I even repositioned my business to be 100% locally focused, with the intention to create something that we Malaysians can be proud of.
I speak Bahasa Malaysia to people whom I meet on the street, although not perfect, I try. And I’m proud of it.
I spend more time appreciating the places, food, cultures, and people that I once overlooked, and I make every effort to bring my daughter along in this journey to rediscover how to appreciate and love this motherland of mine. No, OUR MOTHERLAND.
This is our home and it will always be until I draw my last breath and I hope the same for my future generations.
Emigration is one of the biggest problems affecting the future of this country my fellow countrymen, especially my fellow Malaysian Chinese.
Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli) said the number of Malaysian Chinese in the population would drop to about 19.6% by 2030 with continued emigration and low birth rates.
Yes, I know some of you are hoping for better opportunities, better financial prospects, and a better lifestyle. I do too.
However, instead of running away, lowering ourselves to be true second class residents for stronger currencies, I urge every one of you to stay put, fight for a better future for yourself, and this country that we all call home.
Join the public services, volunteer yourself in NGOs or community services, create unique Malaysian products and services, and grow our economy.
Rise up and be one of a new generation of leaders to help steer this country to a brighter future that we all have envisioned to see.
Tanah tumpahnya darahku.
Selamat Hari Merdeka my fellow Malaysians, wherever you are.
Marc Chua is an FMT reader.
Monday, May 16, 2022
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Selamat Hari Guru |
Tuesday, April 05, 2022
Thursday, March 17, 2022
Monday, February 28, 2022
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Friday, February 18, 2022
Saturday, January 22, 2022
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