Kes Lina Joy mengambil kesempatan dalam kekalutan semasa umat Islam yang lemah untuk mempertahankan Islam terutamanya di Malaysia. Kes ini pada dasarnya adalah rentetan daripada tuntutan “Kumpulan Artikel 11” yang pernah cuba berkumpul di Penang pada 14 Mei 2006 yang menuntut kerajaan membenarkan kebebasan murtad di bawah Artikel 11 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, setelah kekalahan mereka untuk kes Mohamed Abdullah@Moorthy, S.Sharmala dan Nyonya Tahir. Yang mendukacitakan sekali ialah apabila Kumpulan Artikel 11 atau dikenali juga sebagai Inter-Faith Council (IFC) disertai oleh beberapa individu melayu & Islam termasuklah Sister-in-Islam, yang digerakkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin & sekutu mereka yang beragama Islam. Kes Lina Joy adalah attempt yang akan memberikan impact yang amat besar yang mana ia mencabar undang-undang Syariah oleh Mahkamah Syariah di bawah perkara 121(A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan, samada ianya akan dipinda atau dihapuskan sepenuhnya. Organisasi & individu bukan-Islam seluruh dunia telah memberikan pressure kepada hakim dan system perundangan yang amat lemah. Di Malaysia saja 11 NGOs telah membela Lina Joy termasuklah Bar Council, Sister-in-Islam, dan Suaram. Peguambela dalam menggulung kes Lina Joy menyatakan “…it is time that we must knock into the heads of Malay that our country Malaysia is never been an Islamic country. Strong message must be thrown to Muslim to tell them that in Malaysia, Islam is just a sub-sivilience to constitution..”.
Jika Perkara 121(1A) dipinda, maka Mahkamah Sivil dapat menundukkan bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah dan dengan demikian apa-apa tuntutan dan aduan yang terkandung di dalam memorandum IFC adalah di bawah bidang kuasa Mahkamah Sivil. Antara tuntutan mereka ialah:
• Orang Islam hendaklah diberi hak murtad tanpa memohon ke Mahkamah Syariah.
• Seseorang anak yang dilahirkan oleh ibubapa Islam tidak seharusnya secara terus menjadi Islam.
• Orang bukan Islam yang telah memeluk agama Islam hendaklah diberikan kebebasan untuk kembali kepada agama asal mereka (murtad) dan tidak boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
• Orang bukan Islam tidak perlu dikehendaki menganut Islam sekiranya ingin berkahwin dengan orang Islam.
Justru pelabagai pertubuhan dan NGOs Islam yang prihatin telah berusaha untuk menangani isu ini termasuklah penubuhan PPI iaitu Peguam Pembela Islam, majlis solat hajat, majlis penerangan, press release, penyampaian khutbah, dan cetakan artikel. Dan BADAI iaitu Badan Anti Suruhanjaya Antara Agama-IFC telah memulakan kempen pungutan satu juta tandatangan bantah IFC/Kumpulan Artikel 11. Marilah kita sama-sama menentang usaha jahat kafir Laknatullah dan sekutu mereka ini dengan menandatangani bantahan ini yang telah dimulakan oleh BADAI. Saya kini pun sudah dapatkan 24 tandatangan. Dan target saya untuk dapatkan 50 tandatangan. That is the least I can do bagi berusaha untuk menyedarkan pemimpin-pemimpin negara serta Majlis Raja-Raja tentang implikasi dari sikap tak ambil peduli dari kes ini. Serta meminta dengan kuasa yang ada pada tangan mereka untuk berusaha menyelamatkan aqidah umat Islam dari terus musnah.
Namun ada saja manusia yang hanya tak kisah malah mengutuk segala usaha ini. Kawan aku Yahya kata “…segala tandatangan ini tak akan berkesan…” sambil menandatangani borang tandatangan yang saya hulurkan. Mahani pulak menolak terus dengan katanya “…..ah kita tak boleh buat apa, itu sudah keadaan yang patut kita terima…”. I believed she totally ignoring the seriousness of the issue and do not know all the facts above and don’t care to read the attached facts and background write-up attached with the form. So far she is the only one who refused to sign. Si Zaki pulak kata “…aku pun geram jugak bila terima all these e-mails about the issue, bukan ada apa pun..” tapi alhamdulillah dia menandatangani walaupun bukan dengan ikhlas borang yang aku hulurkan. Isteriku pula segan untuk membawa borang ini untuk dihulurkan kepada kawan-kawan di kelas tajwidnya, bila aku cadangkannya berbuat begitu. Aku merasa terpanggil untuk menyumbang sesuatu dan inilah salah satu usaha yang termampu. Sekurang-kurangnya bila di tanya di Akhirat besok aku dapat mengatakan bahawa aku mendapatkan 50 tandatangan untuk membantah niat jahat IFC itu. Dan aku juga menyertai perhimpunan bantahan di Masjid Wilayah pada 23 Julai jam 9 pagi.
Kata Ustaz Ridhuan, masyarakat kini kurang peka dan sensitif dalam persoalan murtad ini. Kerajaan pula tidak banyak membantu dan lebih menjurus kepada toleransi kaum hingga kekadang terpaksa berkompromi keatas tuntutan syariat. Kenyataan YB Nazri Aziz, Menteri di JPM jelas menunjukkan simpati kepada panganjur IFC di Penang yang gagal tempoh hari. Dan kini kumpulan yang sama tidak berputus asa dan akan menganjurkan persidangan di JB pula. Selepas merdeka hinga tahun 70an, tidak banyak kita dengar kes murtad. Bukan tiada, ada iaitu 178 kes tambah Ustaz Ridhuan. Tapi kini kes murtad meningkat dengan mendadak. Dato Mufti Perak selaku Jurucakap Mufti menegaskan terdapat 10,000 kes. Kalau di zaman 60an kes Natrah yang murtad telah mengumpul umat Islam untuk memprotes dan menunjuk perasaan secara besar-besaran menggambarkan sensiviti masyarakat Islam di negara kita ketika itu. Namun kini high profile case seperti kes Aisyah Bukhori pun masih gagal menyedarkan kita semua akan bahaya isu murtad ini, yang bukan lagi isolated cases but a fenomena, a desease. Justru saya sebagai rakyat marhain yang inginkan segala usaha untuk memkotak-katikkan Islam di benteras hingga ke akar umbi, menyeru saudara saudari sekelian untuk kita sama-sama mengembeling tenaga menyokong samampu kita bagi mamatahkan segala niat jahat kafarun laknatullah dan sekutu mereka. Turunkan tandatangan bantahan kita supaya sedikit sebanyak mempengaruhi tindakan yang lebih tegas oleh pihak berkuasa untuk mempertahankan Islam di negara tercinta. Kalau kita gagal menyekat sekarang segala percaturan musuh Islam ini, maka implikasi yang maha dahsyat akan ditempuhi generasi anak-anak kita dalam isu murtad ini. Jika seorang anak kita yang berumur 18 tahun itu menukar agama atas dasar Artikel 11 Perlembagaan Persekutuan itu maka kita hanya mampu menggigit jari sehingga luka, dan Mahkamah Syariah juga cuma mampu merenung dari kejauhan bak harimau tanpa taring. Amiiin.
Life is about choices. You can be negative or positive, it is up to you. We can always view things in various perspective. My way of seeing things may not be the same as yours. My School Of Tots is my inner feeling straight from my heart with a little help from my brain and my little fingers.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
World Cup & Palestine
Well ITALY as predicted by me, is the World Cup champion. And probably I'm the only one in Malaysia who predicted ITALY since day one. Eventhough Zidane involved in the head butt controversy, still without a doubt in my mind he deserved the title of the best player of the World Cup, who bring the no hoper France all the way to the Final.
In the excitement of the World Cup where everybody's attention are, Israel play his roll in activating their killer instinct in Palestine & Labonan with less attention. Israel since long time ago has the policy of you kill one I kill all policy. When one of his soldier captured alive by Hamas, Israel took a chance to bombs the hold town. When their soldiers killed by Hizbullah, the Zionist attack Lebonan through air & sea with no mercy. So hundreds of the innocent dies. And USA said Israel has the right to defense themselves. And sadly, the Islamic nations as usual keep quite and play no significant roles. Why? Well looks like we are so attached economically, technologically & ideologically speaking to the west especailly the USA. And have so much interest to protect to the level that we are so afraid to take a collective significant actions to help Palestine and go against Israel which is the real TERRORIST nation. The OIC headed by our own so far very quite. The NGO's in Malaysia headed by JIM, launch Tabung Palestine to help. Whether the collected money will go to the intended recipients can be another issue. But at least the NGO's invites the public to help out.
The Palestines, headed by HAMAS choose Jihad as their main agenda to free Palestine from Israel. But they are throwing stones against humanless Israel forces. You see the wrong picture? Until Allah send burung Ababil with poisoness stones, I dont see Israel will back-off. The real solution is WAR. Where the OIC or maybe Arab Nations send say 1000 arm forces each, to make the total of say 20,000 forces. And 10 tankers or jet fighters each, to make the total of 200 tankers & 200 jet fighters. And attack Israel from the land, sea, & air from all angles. So the USA & the British will help out Israel against united Muslim World. So the World War 4, looks very much alive.
Then we will say, the OIC nations will never get into the above arrangement. They all chicken out with so much at stakes. Therefore, a more realistic approach can be for HAMAS and the rest of Islamic Nations to recognize ISRAEL as a state. With the Jews and the Muslims living in piece. But again this is bull shit. So my friend what is the solution? Palestinian want their lands back. And the Israel will never surrender those lands they conquered and win tru war fair and square. They have USA as the big brother for support system. And Palestine so far has no support system. Tell me man whats wrong with the picture? This killing cannot go forever or maybe yes !!
In the excitement of the World Cup where everybody's attention are, Israel play his roll in activating their killer instinct in Palestine & Labonan with less attention. Israel since long time ago has the policy of you kill one I kill all policy. When one of his soldier captured alive by Hamas, Israel took a chance to bombs the hold town. When their soldiers killed by Hizbullah, the Zionist attack Lebonan through air & sea with no mercy. So hundreds of the innocent dies. And USA said Israel has the right to defense themselves. And sadly, the Islamic nations as usual keep quite and play no significant roles. Why? Well looks like we are so attached economically, technologically & ideologically speaking to the west especailly the USA. And have so much interest to protect to the level that we are so afraid to take a collective significant actions to help Palestine and go against Israel which is the real TERRORIST nation. The OIC headed by our own so far very quite. The NGO's in Malaysia headed by JIM, launch Tabung Palestine to help. Whether the collected money will go to the intended recipients can be another issue. But at least the NGO's invites the public to help out.
The Palestines, headed by HAMAS choose Jihad as their main agenda to free Palestine from Israel. But they are throwing stones against humanless Israel forces. You see the wrong picture? Until Allah send burung Ababil with poisoness stones, I dont see Israel will back-off. The real solution is WAR. Where the OIC or maybe Arab Nations send say 1000 arm forces each, to make the total of say 20,000 forces. And 10 tankers or jet fighters each, to make the total of 200 tankers & 200 jet fighters. And attack Israel from the land, sea, & air from all angles. So the USA & the British will help out Israel against united Muslim World. So the World War 4, looks very much alive.
Then we will say, the OIC nations will never get into the above arrangement. They all chicken out with so much at stakes. Therefore, a more realistic approach can be for HAMAS and the rest of Islamic Nations to recognize ISRAEL as a state. With the Jews and the Muslims living in piece. But again this is bull shit. So my friend what is the solution? Palestinian want their lands back. And the Israel will never surrender those lands they conquered and win tru war fair and square. They have USA as the big brother for support system. And Palestine so far has no support system. Tell me man whats wrong with the picture? This killing cannot go forever or maybe yes !!
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