School Of Tots
Well, I have problem getting into my blog lately due to restriction and surfcontrol at my work place.
So 27 day passed by already in 2006. Whats up?
For me, the good part is, I start my day with niat keluar mencari rezki kerana Allah, & doa supaya segala aktiviti ku hari adalah ibadah kepada Nya. In the car I recites all the surah that i know off and sedekahkan pahala bacaan kepada arwah bapa ku Ab.Rahim Hj Abdullah, arwah bapa saudaraku Ab.Aziz Hj Abdullah, arwah bapa mertua ku Hj Ismail Zainal Abidin dan seluruh sanak saudaraku yg kini berada di alam barzakh dgn doa agar di ampunkan segala dosa dan mendapat syafaat dari Allah agar layak ditempatkan bersama golongan yg beriman dan mendapat nikmat SyurgaNya. Then I continue with Zikr Munajat along with tape from Dr.Badrul Amin or listen to Tafsir from Ust Sahazan and Slot ceramah AlHikmah in or slot motivasi from HM Tuah at Sfm. To reach the office not later than 8:15am.
Dan Alhamdulillah, setakat 26 hari ini aku berjaya membaca AlQuran without miss. Hari ini, InsyaAllah sebelum solat jumaat di Masjid Muaz Jabal SetiaWangsa aku akan sambung lak dgn Surah Sajdah. Dgn mendampingkan diriku dgn Kitab Allah kurasa jiwa yg tenang dan hati yg lapang. Aku gak will continue with my role as bendahari for Surau AlFaizeen.
Seboleh mungkin I will continue dgn membaca buku. So far not too bad lah...aku dah habis kan novel IMAM karya sasterawan negara Abdullah Hussain, dua buah buku dari 'The Apprentice' Donald Trump iaitu How To Get Rich & How to Be a Billionare. Dan berjaya langsaikan buku Harun Yahya 'Kaum Yg Pupus'. Bukan mudah untuk menghabiskan sesuatu buku itu. Masih banyak buku-buku aku yg berada dalam rak kat umah tu yg berjumlah hampir 500 buah tu, yg masih belum ku baca atau ku sentuh, walaupun ada setengahnya ku beli pada tahun seawal 1987. Ada tiga buah kitab yg ku warisi dari arwah bapaku yg sangat-sangatlah aku hargai termasuklah Kitab Riadhus Solihin.
Careerwise, aku rasa will be challenging one. Since second half of last year I was shifting from my previous project management role to a product marketeer type of role. And lately its moving into product awareness programs to ultimately gearing towards producing sales. The three products that was put under my wings are Egenera BladeFrame, ECMS TrimContexts, & PMS TeamSynthesis. These are all new products where FITOS will be the main distributors. And on top of that the economics outlook for 2006 will not look much better than 2005. That makes the challenge in my new role even greater than ever. May Allah help me.
Anak isteri bagaimana? Alhamdulillah Amir & Farihin settle down kat SAMTKKB in form 3 & 2 respectively. But I shall monitor them closely and to motivate them consistently. My Iman Asilah, hmmm looks like she's willing to work harder in year5. We send her to attend 2hr/2days/per week tuisyen for the first time. Hope its help her in her study. My wife, more towards managing the house to looks neat & nice, less gardening, but istiqamah InsyaAllah in her Solat Dhuha. Aku bersyukur ke hadrat Allah di atas segala nikmat NYA ini. Alhamdulillah.
Life is about choices. You can be negative or positive, it is up to you. We can always view things in various perspective. My way of seeing things may not be the same as yours. My School Of Tots is my inner feeling straight from my heart with a little help from my brain and my little fingers.
Friday, January 27, 2006
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