Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Hmmm........... I miss a posting for the month of April. Now its May. I never miss to post at least once a month before. That shows how bz I am in April. Or shall I say 'kelam kelibut'. There are 3 significant date in April. Well, for a start my birthday is on the 5th. My Son Amir's birthday on the 18th. And my marriage anniversary is on the 29th. Then come the income-tax submission on the 30th, which I miss again, just like last year. On the 14th, I represent my company for PNB's PingPong Tournament, plus those training sessions.

My son got an offer to further his studies in form 4 at MRSM Kubang Pasu when we least expected. We received the offer letter on his birthday and 5 days later, we pack him in one piece and deliver him via Plus highway 7 hours drive to the RM38m brand new school at Kubang Pasu. Bersyukur pada Allah, atas rezki ini. Wish him to be the best that he can be, to optimize the potential within. To be manusia yang baik !!

Back in office, the pressure on sales preview and review. Company re-organization again. Now I am reporting to the new boss, MSB.

On the 17th & 18th attended the seminar at IKIM 'Success Built To Last: A Muslim Interpretation'. A very interesting event officiated by Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr Ahmad Sarji. Ten papers were presented and discussed. My picks are 'Guidelines in Managing Effective Muslim Business Organizations' by Hj Nik Mustafa (Deputy Director General, IKIM), 'Sime Darby: Rising to the Ocassion' by Dato' Ahmad Murshid (Group Chief Executive, Sime Darby Bhd), 'Rejuvenating Ailing Industries: MAS Experience' by Tengku Dato' Azmil (CFO, MAS), and 'Bank Rakyat: From Humble Beginnings to Malaysia's Largest Islamic Cooperative Bank' by Dato' Kamaruzzaman Che Mat (MD, BKRMB). Make me feel proud of the effort and achievement behind the scene of those organizations.

The session were divided into four main parts - Foundation For Sustainable Success, Good Corporate Governance: Critical Factors In Managing Business Success, Secrets To An Organization's Success: Lessons From Successful Establishments, and Rejuvenating Ailing Industries. My conclusion is we got to be Ikhlas, Amanah, Usaha & Tawaqal to have Success Built To Last.

The next day on the 19th, I attended CommScope Technology Summit entitled Revolution In The Data Center: Seizing Opportunities From New Chellenges at The Ritz Carlton, KL. Then got to spend a week at Kuantan for MSAM staying at Shahzan Inn. My portion is on showcasing Egenera Blade Server & TrimContext EDRMS. As announced, almost 200k visited MSAM2007.
Have a chance for leg massage from a 63 year old pro for rm10 plus traditional herb medicine for another rm10. Then got fascinated with a 55 yr old '40 yr old looks' dayak street medicine man, and bought another 'traditional' medicine for rm20. Also bought pill buah pria from CCM at MSAM for rm25 (retail price rm39) to reduce my sugar level, that has overshoot recently.

Back from Kuantan, so happened my son Amir on one week holiday break, so we spend 3 days 2 nites at Legend KL on 1-2 May. And we visited KL Book Fair at PWTC, an annual event that we never miss. I bought 'Quran Saintifik' the latest book from Dr Danial Zainal with 20% discount and got another of his book ' Islam The Misunderstood Religion' for free. My wife bought 3 hardcover books from the late Ahmad Semait of PN Singapore including '100 Tokoh Wanita Terpilih' & 'Untaian Kisah Wali Allah', which we met and took a photo at last year's KL Book Fair, before he get killed by traffic accident about 3 months later.

Then I took three days 'bookoff' for my assignment at MSAM plus the weekend. All in all I have been out of office for two weeks. What a nice feeling. So today, is my first day back in office and tons of works waiting, not to mention bills to pay and phone calls chasing for 'hutang' from banks. Anyway for me, stay home close to my wife and kids is conforting. And doing my gardening & berkebun. For the past one month, I have been exploring 2 plots of land near my house and manage to plant about 48 serai, 16 tebu, 3 pandan, 3 lengkuas, 3 pisang, 5 lada, 6 bende, 1 mangga, 1 limau nipis, 1 limau kasturi, 2 limau purut, 2 jambu, 1 nangka, some kacang botol, and 1 limau bali. And already digged about 22 small holes to plant jagung. I also put fence around and built 2 bench. Its a worthwhile effort, a good workout, a little 'sakit urat', with darker skin, yet satisfying.

Moving forward, I like to ponder. I like to think. I wish to be debt free & enjoy life to the fullest.


MANUSIA NALURI HEWAN Allah jadikan manusia sebagai sebaik2 kejadian. Manusia sebagai makhluk Allah yg terbaik. Manusia bukan malaikat. Namun...