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Dulu yg normalnya suami je bekerja, sekarang normal both suami-isteri bekerja. Kalu isteri tak kerja dah jadi macam tak normal lak. Sepatutnya ikut la macam dulu suami cari rezki untuk keluarga, so that isteri boleh concentrate urusan rumah-tangga dan anak-anak. What say you ?
Komen dari Jamilah:
People do things for different reasons. Bagi saya, we have a responsisbility to contribute. Dalam ramai-ramai org kampong, God blessed me with the ability to go overseas,e rewarding career, met with a wonderful man who totally support me in my career, blessed me with a wonderful girl who loves my children like her own, a wonderful cook.God blessed me with good health,strong bones, supportive friends and family, a talent, good brain to be able to learn anything l set my mind say the least. My point is, l don't think God gave me all that so I boleh makan sorang.So l take it as my responsibility to utilize everything He gave me to the best of my ability, and to contribute, in any way possible. Saya berdoa agar saya dpt melakukan semua ini tanpa melupakan tanggungjawab asas saya, as a mother, wife, daughter, sister and friends. I'm too young to retire, too strong to be a lady of leisure, too passionate in my cause to sit still and do nothing, too grateful to waste everything that is given to me. Just one woman's opinion....
Komen Laftah:
nampaknya saudara pengulas forum ingin membincang isu semasa dan menarik perhatian dari kaum hawa... Perlukah isteri bekerja? satu tajuk forum yg interesting... Pendapat saya sebagai seorang isteri bekerja dan tidak mewakili mana2 persatuan wanita tak kira SEMASA77 atau pun sesiapa jua… Pertanyaan favorite kepada suami saya… Bila awak nak kaya? Bila saya boleh berhenti kerja? Bila saya boleh jadi lady of leasure? Harapan saya di duniawi… Membantu suami utk mencapai hidup harmoni Membela anak2 menjadi insan berbudi Menolong ibubapa menjalani sisa2 hidup dengan lebih bererti Perlukah saya bekerja?... Dapat menampal apa2 yang bocor dalam keluarga Membantu ibubapa dimana terdaya agar hidup mereka bahagia Persiapan diri sekira terjadi tragedy yang tak terduga Cita2 saya... Tak payah keluar rumah pagi2 buta untuk pergi kerja Ada lebih masa untuk keluarga dan agama Ada lebih masa untuk berleasure Mempunyai keluarga bahagia Mempunyai suami setia Mempunyai anak bergeliga dan berguna Terima kasih saya kepada... Telekom & maxis yang memberi kesenangan berhubung dengan keluarga tercinta semasa bekerja System IT yang canggih memboleh kan saya bertukar pendapat/mendapat nasihat dari kawan2 semua Pembantu rumah yang setia menjaga rumah dan membela anak2 semasa tiada Keluarga tercinta yang sentiasa memberi sokongan dari masa ke semasa Perlukah isteri bekerja?... Tepuk dada tanya selera...
Komen W.Rohaimi:
Interesting point of view dari Laftah. Apa yang dimention didalam Laftah mail ialah " how I wish, it would be". Sama jugak macam every new year, we have new year resolution, tetapi lepas sebulan ia nya back to the same situation again. sesetengah para isteri berkata bahawa "lebih baik saya bekerja sebab duduk rumah lama lama jadi boring, nak bercakap dengan tembok sebab orang lain semua pergi kerja".
Komen Saya:
After 10 days this topic posted to be shared & discussed in a good spirit, not many response but 3. The rest maybe have nothing in the head or simply have nothing to share. Nevertheless the 3 have interesting points to ponder. I believe this is a universal topic that applicable to all married humans especially who resides in Klang Valley area. I believed life is about choices. You can make that choice.
1. Looks like Jamilah have made her choice loud and clear. She dont want to waste her talent and skills by just stay home. She got a good helper to take care of her kids, cook the meals, and housework. And her husband support her all the way, so no worries. Anyway I think the smell of the RM that come along with her career is too tempting to be missed.
2. Laftah wish to retire provided her husband financially sound. Thats how I read it. But of course she want security & money for her parent. She's looking forward for leisure and time for family & agama. Good luck my dear.
3. W.Rohaimi said normally the wife wish to berhenti kerja but always like a new year resolution that never happen. And some will always think that better to work in the office and get plenty of RM at the end of every month as compared to become a fulltime housewife that have hell of works to do but no money to show at the end of the month.
4. Well tepuk dada tanya selera as mentioned by Laftah. For me if you earn less than RM2000 per month in KL, then worth to consider quitting the job. Because the hidden cost per month can be; say you need to send your 3 kids to nursery (RM250x3=RM750), transpotation (RM10x20days=RM200), breakfast/lunch (RM15x20days=RM300), dress/makeup (RM200) - Total of RM1450 already. Tolak EPF, tolak Income Tax, tinggallah RM300. So ask yourself, is it worth it to come out at 7am and come home at 7pm day-in day-out for RM300 ? Just ask your husband to give you that RM300 and quit the bloody job. In fact ask your husband to give you RM2000 and quit the job !! Well husband, what are you wating for. Ready for the challenge ? Tepuk dada tanya selera. Life is about choices. Nobody can force you to anything. You set your own destiny. Bye for now.
Life is about choices. You can be negative or positive, it is up to you. We can always view things in various perspective. My way of seeing things may not be the same as yours. My School Of Tots is my inner feeling straight from my heart with a little help from my brain and my little fingers.
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