Sunday, May 30, 2010

From PJ to Nilai

Our second kid "Kakak" off to Nilai yesterday after seven days of Taaruf week at PJ campus. She will be enrolled at IIUM School of Foundation Studies for the next one and half year in the field of Economics and Management Science.

We we
nt to visit her yesterday. It was a 100km ride one way with RM13.50 for toll. Kakak resides at level two with another twelve dorm-mates at Marhalah Ummu Salamah right in front of the majestic Nilai Mosque.

We have a nice picnic at the mosque with dishes prepared by the mother complete with 'gulai ayam', cool mangga juice for drink, and tasty 'pulut sekaya' as desert. Homemade dinner for our daughter.

After the foundation her plan is to take up undergraduate in Accountancy at IIUM's main campus at Gombak.

All the best Kakak. Remember to make 1000 friends even though it is too few but let not make even one enemy as it is already too many. @@@


sot said...

Alhamdulillah Kakak got exempted for English & Level 2 for Arabic. A good start for Kakak. Strive for the best !!

sot said...

Kakak coming home today for the weekend on her own by Komuter. A step towards 'street smart' skillset.


API YANG MARAK Allah Maha Berkuasa. Manusia sekadar hamba yg lemah. Tiada daya dan upaya melainkan semua dgn izinnya. Sesuatu yg nampak must...