Saturday, November 06, 2010

The Deen Show

Alhmadulillah I first know about this excellent Islamic talk show from Pena Maya blog. I found it very interesting and informative. Highly recommended. Please experience it for yourself at and spread the word around. Thanks.


About Us

Peace be upon you and thank you for tuning into the Deen Show.

Let's try and give you an idea on who we are and what we are all about. Let's start out with this word "Deen" just so you understand that when we use the word "Deen" that were not actually talking about some guy named Deen.

The word Deen is an Arabic word that translates to "WAY" or way of life. Some Examples of how this word "Deen" is used from the VERBATIM word of God in the Quran are as follows:

Allah (God) Creator of the Heavens and the earth in translation says: The "Deen"(way of life) before Allah (God) is Islam (Submission to the will of the one true God alone) Quran 3:19

In another verse Allah (God) in translation says: Today I have perfected your "Deen"(way of life), and have completed my favor upon you (mankind) and have chosen for you Islam as your "Deen"(way of life) Quran 5:3

The Deen Show is a Muslim film company that strives to provide the correct information about Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims alike from authentic sources which include The Quran and The Sunnah. We are not affiliated with any particular movement, sect, group, etc. We absolutely condemn in the strongest terms terrorism and any extremism done in the name of Islam and we refuse to associate ourselves with those who practice and condone such behavior and thoughts.

We're American Muslims here in the United States and it is our pleasure and privilege to help educate and share the true message of Pure Islam without cultural, traditional or nationalistic prejudices and corruption.

By watching the shows you will see that Islam is an open Book for all those who have an open heart and an open mind. You will start to understand Islam better and its views on Life. Many of the negative stereotype's one might have or has had thru watching the Media and listening to Gossip now will tend to fade because you were smart enough to go to the source and check for yourself and now finally true Tolerance and understanding can be built and maybe even a new way of Life, "Deen".

We love the true and pure Islam and the real message that it teaches:
Peace; Submission; Surrender and Obedience to Almighty God (Allah).
Thank you so very much for tuning in and we hope you enjoy the Show's.
Peace be upon you...


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I have put up couple of video clips from TheDeenShow at the side for a taste of it. Just click...



ooooooooo said...

salam sot.
mereka di Barat (saudara Islam kita) bersungguh-sungguh menjalankan dakwah even in the current state of islamophobia..there's a research that says,5/10 people gave unfavourable comments about muslim/islam etc. this is due to the islamophobia.inilah tanggungjawab kita.dan the deen show menjalankan peranan dengan cukup baik.yang lebih menarik mereka tidak meminta keuntungan dari penjualan dvd mereka .hanya bayar sbgai kos operasi sahaja.

kita patut jadikan ini sebagai motivasi bagi kita.semoga rancangan seperti ini ada di Malaysia satu hari nanti.dalam versi Bahasa Melayu.insya-Allah.sama-samalah kita berdoa dan usahakan.salah satu caranya dengan berdakwah kepada golongan berada yang berilmu.



School Of Tots said...

TQ Umar, agree with you. Just Do It. We all have our role to play in this very world to share the light of Islam, telling the truth nothing but the truth. Be open and be sincere. Keep up the good works and never loose hope. May Allah guide us all.


DOA 4 PERKARA Ustaz adi hidayat (UAH) menyatakan doa yang memohon 4 hal di mana doa ini termaktub dalam hadis Rasulullah SAW yang diriwayatk...