Semalam 12/4/08 saya sekeluarga berkunjung sekali lagi ke Pesta Buku di PWTC. Kami seronok sebenarnya. Di samping anak saya Iman menambah koleksi novel terbitan PTS & KernaDya sebanyak 5 biji lagi, saya pula mendapatkan Sirah Nabawiyah terbitan YADIM terjemahan dari karya Safiyyu Al-Rahman dengan harga RM35 berbanding harga asal RM50. Saya masih teringat kata2 Ustaz yg berceramah di ofis bulan lalu iaitu kita kena berusaha untuk membeli tiket ke Syurga. Bagaimana? Kita kena cinta Rasulullah. Untuk cinta kita kena kenal Rasulullah. Bacalah dan hayati Sirah Rasulullah dan tunjukkan rasa kecintaan itu dengan mengikuti dan beramal dengan segala sunnah baginda. Semoga Sirah Nabawiyah ini bisa mengukuhkan kecintaan itu.
Saya juga membeli 10 novel Creative Enterprise dgn harga RM1 sebiji (yes hanya RM1). Kalau tidak pun untuk bacaan sendiri boleh juga dijadikan cenderahati buat kawan2 atau tetamu. Akhirnya Koleksi Novel Grafik AIE dgn harga RM10 untuk 3 siri (harga asal RM12.90 per siri) sebagai hadiah harijadi buat anak sulong saya Amir (kini menuntut di MRSM KP) yg memang punyai koleksi komik Gempak StarZ & Detektif Conan.
Dan isteri pula mencukupkan koleksi TGNA sebanyak 9 buku dengan membeli satu buku lagi iaitu Bunga Kebahagiaan. Bagi setiap pembelian RM50 layak mendapat satu borang cabutan bertuah. Kalau minggu lepas sebanyak 6 borang telah saya isi dan masukkan ke dalam kotak yg disediakan, semalam pula 4 lagi di tambah. Maknanya kurang lebih RM500 yg telah kami laburkan dlm koleksi buku dan penjanaan ilmu kami anak beranak pada Pesta Buku tahun ini. Saya masih ingat cogankata yg saya isikan di borang2 cabutan bertuah itu - Saban Tahun Ke Pesta Buku, Menambah Koleksi, Menjana Ilmu. InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki petang ini saya akan mendapat panggilan telefon dari pihak penganjur untuk mengambil hadiah berupa sebuah Motosikal kapcai, TV lcd, atau sebuah Laptop.
Pagi tadi saya berjaya mengkhatamkan sebuah buku bertajuk Travelog Haji Mengubah Sempadan Iman karya Prof Muhd Kamil Ibrahim (UiTM). Buku 245 mukasurat ini sebenarnya di hadiahkan oleh seorang kawan isteri saya yg juga guru tazkirah di komuniti kami. Terima kasih kami sekeluarga ucapkan di atas keikhlasan beliau menghadiahkan buku ini bersama sebuah lagi buku bertajuk Misteri Solat Subuh karya Dr Raghib dan sebuah CD dari Raihan betajuk Yatim.
Buku ini bukan semata2 catatan pengembaraan Muhd Kamil ke Tanah Suci malah lebih dari itu menjangkau kisah pengajaran dan penghijrahan roh insan dan peningkatan iman. Betapa Ibadah Haji yg penuh hikmah dan nilai yg hebat itu berjaya merubah seorang insan yg serba kekurangan dari segi ilmu agama kepada insan yg berjaya mengenali diri sendiri dan bersedia melakukan perubahan besar dalam kembara kehidupan menuju redha yg Maha Pencipta. Ia ditulis secara santai penuh pengkisahan perihal pemerhatian dan cerita benar bermula dari Aroma Haji, Tahalul dan Budaya, Watak2 Contoh seperti Hj Daud Tg Karang, Pergerakan Haji, & Doa-doa Pilihan. Kemabruran haji penulis agak terserlah dalam penceritaan ini. Saya seronok membacanya dan mendapat apa yg ingin digambarkan. Di m/s 226 kata penulis "Saya mahu buku ringkas ini dapat memberi manafaat sebagaimana niat asal ia ditulis. Dalam konteks ini, saya melihat ibadat haji mampu menjadi penyebab kepada perubahan iman yg signifikan".
Hari ini saya meneruskan hari minggu saya dengan membaca buku Misteri Solat Subuh sehingga mukasurat 96 dari 147. Waktu solat Subuh dari terbit fajar sampai terbit matahari. Solat Subuh memang solat wajib yg paling sedikit rakaatnya namun ia menjadi pengukur iman dan ujian terhadap kejujuran kerana waktunya yg sangat terhad itu.
Seandainya ada orang kaya yg berjanji memberi kita duit RM1 juta setiap hari pada pukul 5:30 pagi jika datang tepat pada waktunya, apakah kita akan datang? Cuba bayangkan sekiranya kita benar2 datang setiap hari nescaya kita mendapat sebanyak RM365 juta genap setahun. Kemudian cuba bayangkan setelah satu tahun ajal datang menjemput kita. Apakah kita mahu dimasukkan ke liang lahad dengan membawa RM365 juta dalam keadaan tidak melaksanakan solat subuh walaupun sekali? Atau kita dimasukkan ke kubur dengan membawa 365 solat subuh tetapi kita tidak membawa duit walau sesen pun. Jawablah dengan jujur. Mana yang lebih kekal dan bermanafaat? Manusia begitu bersemangat bangun di pagi hari untuk mengumpul harta kekayaan namun tidak berdaya bangun untuk mengumpul kebaikan iaitu untuk solat subuh.
Cuba renugkan, sekiranya isteri atau anak mengejutkan kita pada pukul 5:30 pagi dan berteriak "Rumah jiran sebelah kita kebakaran!". Jawablah dengan jujur, apakah kita akan segera melompat dari tempat tidur dan memakai pakaian seadanya kemudian kita sekeluarga berlari keluar atau apakah kita akan berkata kepada isteri atau anak, "Biarlah saya tidur, kerana saya letih kerana terlambat tidur dan banyak kerja yang saya perlu lakukan esok, InsyaAllah api itu akan padam jua". Apakah kita akan berkata begitu? Jawablah dengan jujur, mana yg lebih menakutkan kebakaran di rumah jiran atau api neraka jahannam di akhirat nanti? Mana yg lebih menyakitkan, api dunia atau api akhirat? Tepuk dada tanya iman. Misteri Solat Subuh, another good book.
Solat adalah tonggak mukmin sebenar. Tanpanya hilanglah pahala ganjaran, sia2lah segala amalan dan terungkailah teras keimanan. Ia menjadi garis pemisah antara keimanan dan kekufuran, penyaring Mukmin dari kemunafikan. Mereka yang tetap menjaganya akan mendapat rahmat dan limpahan keredhaan Allah. Sebaliknya, mereka yg lalai atau selalu terleka darinya akan sentiasa dihimpit kesusahan, dibelit keresahan serta mendapat kebinasaan di akhirat kelak.
Life is about choices. You can be negative or positive, it is up to you. We can always view things in various perspective. My way of seeing things may not be the same as yours. My School Of Tots is my inner feeling straight from my heart with a little help from my brain and my little fingers.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Khusyuk Dalam Solat
Alhamdulillah saya sekeluarga berkesempatan mengunjungi Pesta Buku di PWTC pada hari ahad lalu. Ramai nya pengunjung menunjukkan kepekaan kepada ilmu pengetahuan atau sekadar memeriahkan suasana bargain hunting for books. Ramai personaliti public figure yang saya nampak termasuklah Ust Zaharuddin, Rabbanni, Faisal Tehrani, Ain Maisarah, Syed Munawir, & Nazri Raihan. Pelbagai buku menarik telah kami beli termasuklah hard cover Riyadhus Salihin Jilid 1 & 2, Fadhilat Amal, 6 buku karya TGNA, 2 buku Azizi Ali (harga RM10 yg harga asal RM39 satu) iaitu The Millionare Chronicles & MXel (Five Keys To become An Extreme Millionares), buku latihan anak2 Ting 1, 4 & SPM, buku & majalah Gila2 (yg harga rm1 satu). Anak2 saya pula membeli novel2 kegemaran mereka.
Enam buku karya TGNA (Tuan Guru Nik Aziz) yg hangat macam goreng pisang itu ialah - Tundukkan Hati (Rahsia Keikhlasan Hidup Di Alam Fana), Akhlak Bermuamalat, T for Taqwa, Insan Ingatlah (Sebuah Panduan Menuju Hati Yang Tenang), Nota Kepada Diri, & Khusyuk Dalam Solat.
Alhamdulillah saya telah mulakan membaca sebuah buku karya TGNA keluaran NufairStreet, bertajuk Khusyuk Dalam Solat. Semalam di slot tazkirah pagi di syarikat saya, saya telah membacakan petikan dari buku itu yg bertajuk Hadir Hati Adalah Roh Solat untuk dikongsi bersama. Solat adalah ibadah utama yang akan dihisab terlebih awal di akhirat kelak oleh Alllah SWT, berbanding dgn amalan yg lain. Sekiranya solat seseorang itu dlm keadaan sempurna, maka barulah dihitung pula amalan yg lain.
Maka tidak syak lagi bahawa seseorang itu berzikir atau membaca dalam solat ialah untuk memuji Tuhan dan yg menjadi matlamat tidak lain melainkan Allah SWT. Solat itu adalah ditujukan kepada Allah SWT, namun percakapan itu akan menjadi sia2 jika tidak disertai dengan hati yang sentiasa ingat akan Allah, kerana hati adalah perantaraan atau wasilah dgn Allah SWT. Bagaimanakah hati boleh jadi perantaraan sekiranya ia dlm keadaan lalai, maka selama itulah segala bacaan itu tidak sampai kepada Allah SWT. Dengan sebab itu ia tidak akan dapat syuhud bersaksi kepada Allah SWT atau melihat Allah SWT dalam ertikata melihat dengan pandangan hati. Hati diciptakan oleh Allah SWT untuk mengenal dan melihat Allah SWT, namun tidak mungkin hati dapat syuhud jika dlm keadaan lalai.
Orang yg hatinya lalai di dlm solatnya, meskipun lidahnya bergerak menyebut lafaz zikir dan ayat Fatihah atau surah, namun gerak lidahnya itu bukan dari dorongan hati. Ia hanya bergerak disebabkan kebiasaan tentulah akan mudah terkeluar dari mulut mereka. Tetapi alangkah jauhnya dari tujuan solat yang difardhukan oleh Allah SWT itu, kerana yg dikatakan solat itu ialah hadir hati ketika melakukan ibadah tersebut. Hadir hati adalah nyawa kpd solat tersebut. Sesungguhnya sesiapa yg tahu rahsia hadir hati dlm solat, maka dgn sendirinya ia perlu tahu bahawa lalai itu ialah lawan bagi solat. Firman Allah dlm Surah Thaahaa ayat 14 yg bermaksud "Sesungguhnya Aku ini adalah Allah, tidak ada Tuhan selain Aku. Dan dirikanlah solat untuk mengingati Ku (Allah)".
Kesimpulannya hati yang sentiasa ingat dan mengikuti segala perbuatan dalam solat adalah menjadi nyawa kpd solat tersebut. Apabila hati lalai maka solat itu hanya tinggal rangka saja, sedangkan rohnya sudah melayang.
InsyaAllah buku ini sangat bermanafaat untuk peningkatan kualiti solat kita, janganlah setelah melakukannya sejak 20, 30, 40 tahun itu mutunya masih ditahap rangka tanpa roh. Alangkah ruginya kita. Justru buku ini padat dengan pengisian ilmu dlm membicarakan tajuk2 seperti Kesan Solat Yang Khusyuk, Hayati Makna Ayat Bagi Mencapai Khusyuk, Bersemuka Dan Bersoal Jawab Dengan Allah, Bahaya Lalai Ketika Takbiratul Ihram, Hubungan Kegiatan Harian Dengan Solat, Elak Percanggahan Antara Ucapan Dan Tindakan, Solat Dan Hubungannaya Dengan Akhirat, Makrifat Melahirkan Rasa Gerun Terhadap Allah, Mengharap Limpah Rahmat Dan Sifat Lutfillah, Menghias Solat Dengan Sifat Malu, Elak Gangguan Solat Dengan Membatasi Pandangan, Berdiri Solat Bagai Berdiri Di Padang Mahsyar, Pusatkan Hati Ke Arah Objek Yang Di Kehendaki, Antara Seruan Azan Dan Tiupan Israfil, Di Sebalik Kesulitan Menyahut Seruan Azan, Mengadap Allah SWT Sebagai Seorang Pesalah, dan banyak lagi. Kalau ada kelapangan sudi2lah mendapat buku kecil ini untuk panduan kita semua.
Enam buku karya TGNA (Tuan Guru Nik Aziz) yg hangat macam goreng pisang itu ialah - Tundukkan Hati (Rahsia Keikhlasan Hidup Di Alam Fana), Akhlak Bermuamalat, T for Taqwa, Insan Ingatlah (Sebuah Panduan Menuju Hati Yang Tenang), Nota Kepada Diri, & Khusyuk Dalam Solat.
Alhamdulillah saya telah mulakan membaca sebuah buku karya TGNA keluaran NufairStreet, bertajuk Khusyuk Dalam Solat. Semalam di slot tazkirah pagi di syarikat saya, saya telah membacakan petikan dari buku itu yg bertajuk Hadir Hati Adalah Roh Solat untuk dikongsi bersama. Solat adalah ibadah utama yang akan dihisab terlebih awal di akhirat kelak oleh Alllah SWT, berbanding dgn amalan yg lain. Sekiranya solat seseorang itu dlm keadaan sempurna, maka barulah dihitung pula amalan yg lain.
Maka tidak syak lagi bahawa seseorang itu berzikir atau membaca dalam solat ialah untuk memuji Tuhan dan yg menjadi matlamat tidak lain melainkan Allah SWT. Solat itu adalah ditujukan kepada Allah SWT, namun percakapan itu akan menjadi sia2 jika tidak disertai dengan hati yang sentiasa ingat akan Allah, kerana hati adalah perantaraan atau wasilah dgn Allah SWT. Bagaimanakah hati boleh jadi perantaraan sekiranya ia dlm keadaan lalai, maka selama itulah segala bacaan itu tidak sampai kepada Allah SWT. Dengan sebab itu ia tidak akan dapat syuhud bersaksi kepada Allah SWT atau melihat Allah SWT dalam ertikata melihat dengan pandangan hati. Hati diciptakan oleh Allah SWT untuk mengenal dan melihat Allah SWT, namun tidak mungkin hati dapat syuhud jika dlm keadaan lalai.
Orang yg hatinya lalai di dlm solatnya, meskipun lidahnya bergerak menyebut lafaz zikir dan ayat Fatihah atau surah, namun gerak lidahnya itu bukan dari dorongan hati. Ia hanya bergerak disebabkan kebiasaan tentulah akan mudah terkeluar dari mulut mereka. Tetapi alangkah jauhnya dari tujuan solat yang difardhukan oleh Allah SWT itu, kerana yg dikatakan solat itu ialah hadir hati ketika melakukan ibadah tersebut. Hadir hati adalah nyawa kpd solat tersebut. Sesungguhnya sesiapa yg tahu rahsia hadir hati dlm solat, maka dgn sendirinya ia perlu tahu bahawa lalai itu ialah lawan bagi solat. Firman Allah dlm Surah Thaahaa ayat 14 yg bermaksud "Sesungguhnya Aku ini adalah Allah, tidak ada Tuhan selain Aku. Dan dirikanlah solat untuk mengingati Ku (Allah)".
Kesimpulannya hati yang sentiasa ingat dan mengikuti segala perbuatan dalam solat adalah menjadi nyawa kpd solat tersebut. Apabila hati lalai maka solat itu hanya tinggal rangka saja, sedangkan rohnya sudah melayang.
InsyaAllah buku ini sangat bermanafaat untuk peningkatan kualiti solat kita, janganlah setelah melakukannya sejak 20, 30, 40 tahun itu mutunya masih ditahap rangka tanpa roh. Alangkah ruginya kita. Justru buku ini padat dengan pengisian ilmu dlm membicarakan tajuk2 seperti Kesan Solat Yang Khusyuk, Hayati Makna Ayat Bagi Mencapai Khusyuk, Bersemuka Dan Bersoal Jawab Dengan Allah, Bahaya Lalai Ketika Takbiratul Ihram, Hubungan Kegiatan Harian Dengan Solat, Elak Percanggahan Antara Ucapan Dan Tindakan, Solat Dan Hubungannaya Dengan Akhirat, Makrifat Melahirkan Rasa Gerun Terhadap Allah, Mengharap Limpah Rahmat Dan Sifat Lutfillah, Menghias Solat Dengan Sifat Malu, Elak Gangguan Solat Dengan Membatasi Pandangan, Berdiri Solat Bagai Berdiri Di Padang Mahsyar, Pusatkan Hati Ke Arah Objek Yang Di Kehendaki, Antara Seruan Azan Dan Tiupan Israfil, Di Sebalik Kesulitan Menyahut Seruan Azan, Mengadap Allah SWT Sebagai Seorang Pesalah, dan banyak lagi. Kalau ada kelapangan sudi2lah mendapat buku kecil ini untuk panduan kita semua.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Wow Its So Exciting !!
I did came across this very posting by Raja Petra on the after effect of PRU12, what an exciting piece of scenario. I feel obliged to share with you guys on the prospect of this happening, God willing.
Ghapur Salleh actually wanted to resign from Umno Sabah just before the 8 March 2008 general elections so that he could contest the election on a PKR ticket. Anwar Ibrahim, however, would not allow him to do so. Ghapur grumbled to his friends that all Anwar needed to do was to give the word and he, plus a few other close associates in Umno Sabah, would cross-over and contest the election under the PKR banner. Anwar, of course, had his reasons. He wanted Sabah and Sarawak to be the 'reserve team' in the event the opposition wins enough seats to form the federal government.
As it now stands, the opposition has won 82 seats in Parliament and all it needs is another 30 to give it a two-seat majority over Barisan Nasional. 30 seats would make the score 112:110, all that is needed for His Majesty to do what the Federal Constitution of Malaysia requires him to do. And what His Majesty the Agong would have to do would be to appoint a new Prime Minister from amongst any of the 222 Members of the House who, in His Majesty's opinion, commands the confidence of the majority of the Member of the House. It is certainly very 'loose' though clearly worded but the way it has been written gives enormous powers to His Majesty the Agong to interpret 'opinion', 'commands' and 'confidence' the way His Majesty sees it. Most important of all, though, is that His Majesty need not 'seek advice from the Prime Minister' but instead can exercise his 'own discretion' in arriving at 'his opinion'.
Isn't the English language just lovely? And that is what it all boils down to, so the legal eagles can just stay out of this whole thing and allow the English teachers to step in to help properly interpret what the Federal Constitution of Malaysia says -- which is written in the Queen's English anyway. And 'Queen' here refers to Elizabeth II and not Freddie Mercury who died of AIDS.
So, does Anwar have 30 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament safely tucked away? No, he does not have 30. Instead, he has thus far 38, the majority from Sabah and Sarawak. Did you not notice Anwar flying off to Sarawak the morning of 9 March and to Sabah the following day? And rest assured it was not to buy some Iban or Dayak hats. It was to conference with the Barisan Nasional leaders from these two East Malaysian states.
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi knew all this of course, as did his advisers on the fourth floor. However, instead of trying to win the hearts and minds of the East Malaysians, he antagonised them further when he offered the East Malaysian warlords just five Deputy Minister posts, and in very unimportant ministries on top of that.
Sabah and Sarawak brought in 54 Parliament seats to match the 86 from Peninsular Malaysia. Without these 54 Parliament seats from Sabah and Sarawak, Barisan Nasional would be having a mere four-seat majority over the opposition coalition of PKR, DAP and PAS -- while the popular votes garnered by Barisan Nasional would be less than half. It became slightly over half only when the Sabah and Sarawak votes were included.
20 of the 30 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament from Sarawak have agreed to cross-over to the opposition while 16 of the 24 from Sabah will follow suit if Sarawak first takes the plunge. To start the ball rolling, Anifah Aman, brother to the Sabah Chief Minister, rejected the offer for the post of Deputy Minister and with about half a dozen or so other Sabah warlords flew off to Melbourne to meet the other warlords from Sarawak. They have been there since last week; planning, plotting and scheming their moves, which they will make when the time is right. Rest assured Anifah would not act without the consent of his brother, Musa Aman.
They will of course not make their move now. They are waiting for May 2008. By midnight of 14 April 2008, Anwar will be eligible to contest the elections and probably Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim will resign his Bandar Tun Razak seat or Zulkilfi Nordin his Kulim seat. A by-election will then be called and Anwar will of course be that PKR candidate to contest the by-election. On 5 May 2008, Parliament will be convened with Anwar now a Member of Parliament. From 7 May 2008 onwards, 82 opposition Members of Parliament will be able to table a motion of no confidence against Abdullah, supported by no less than 38 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament, as it now stands. The 38 Members of Parliament from Barisan Nasional is of course the latest tally taken this morning. 7 May 2008 is still more than a month away and one day is a long time in politics, what more 40 days. So expect this 38 to grow further and it should not come as a surprise if the final tally is no longer just a simple majority but a resounding two-thirds majority. Will we see, therefore, Anwar finally taking office as the Sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia?
Nevertheless, while all this is going on, another candidate for the post of the Sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia is also moving very rapidly in the background. And this man is the resident of that very imposing White House-like abode along Langgak Golf.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has not been sleeping. He has been aggressively meeting hundreds of people from all over Malaysia. Even as you read this Tengku Razaleigh is hosting more than 100 Umno division and branch leaders to a sumptuous feast in his office cum home behind the United States Embassy.
Tengku Razaleigh is going a slightly different route though. While Anwar is working on a 'no confidence' vote in Parliament, Tengku Razaleigh is working on the 193 Umno divisions. And he, thus far, has 74 Umno divisions with him. He needs at least 58 nominations to be able to contest against the party President cum Prime Minister. But that is only if he wishes to contest the August 2008 party elections, which Abdullah is trying to postpone till 2009.
August 2008 is too late. 2009 even later. By then Anwar may already be Prime Minister. So Tengku Razaleigh can't afford to wait till August. He must move now. And, on 4 April 2008, Tengku Razaleigh is organising a rally at his home base in Gua Musang. If he can get more than 100 Umno divisions to attend his rally, then he can push for an EGM on 11 May 2008 whereby the party constitution can be amended to allow the 'normal' two-nomination-only to contest, just like what it is for all the other positions -- plus he probably can get a vote of no confidence against the party president passed as well.
Yes, it is certainly going to be a close race. Tengku Razaleigh will make his move on 4 April while Anwar can make his only after 14 April. Then, Anwar can make his second move after 7 May while Tengku Razaleigh will make his on 11 May.
It will be a photo-finish and a win by the nose. But whose nose will it be that will cross the finishing line first? Hey, I can't reveal all just yet. Khairy Jamaluddin and his boys are reading this too, you know. Let's first of all see if they succeed in postponing the August 2008 Umno party elections to 2009. If they fail, then Tengku Razaleigh is well-poised to become the next Prime Minister. If they succeed in postponing the party elections, well, then I suppose my money will have to be on Anwar. Did I not tell you that Malaysia is an exciting country?
Ghapur Salleh actually wanted to resign from Umno Sabah just before the 8 March 2008 general elections so that he could contest the election on a PKR ticket. Anwar Ibrahim, however, would not allow him to do so. Ghapur grumbled to his friends that all Anwar needed to do was to give the word and he, plus a few other close associates in Umno Sabah, would cross-over and contest the election under the PKR banner. Anwar, of course, had his reasons. He wanted Sabah and Sarawak to be the 'reserve team' in the event the opposition wins enough seats to form the federal government.
As it now stands, the opposition has won 82 seats in Parliament and all it needs is another 30 to give it a two-seat majority over Barisan Nasional. 30 seats would make the score 112:110, all that is needed for His Majesty to do what the Federal Constitution of Malaysia requires him to do. And what His Majesty the Agong would have to do would be to appoint a new Prime Minister from amongst any of the 222 Members of the House who, in His Majesty's opinion, commands the confidence of the majority of the Member of the House. It is certainly very 'loose' though clearly worded but the way it has been written gives enormous powers to His Majesty the Agong to interpret 'opinion', 'commands' and 'confidence' the way His Majesty sees it. Most important of all, though, is that His Majesty need not 'seek advice from the Prime Minister' but instead can exercise his 'own discretion' in arriving at 'his opinion'.
Isn't the English language just lovely? And that is what it all boils down to, so the legal eagles can just stay out of this whole thing and allow the English teachers to step in to help properly interpret what the Federal Constitution of Malaysia says -- which is written in the Queen's English anyway. And 'Queen' here refers to Elizabeth II and not Freddie Mercury who died of AIDS.
So, does Anwar have 30 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament safely tucked away? No, he does not have 30. Instead, he has thus far 38, the majority from Sabah and Sarawak. Did you not notice Anwar flying off to Sarawak the morning of 9 March and to Sabah the following day? And rest assured it was not to buy some Iban or Dayak hats. It was to conference with the Barisan Nasional leaders from these two East Malaysian states.
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi knew all this of course, as did his advisers on the fourth floor. However, instead of trying to win the hearts and minds of the East Malaysians, he antagonised them further when he offered the East Malaysian warlords just five Deputy Minister posts, and in very unimportant ministries on top of that.
Sabah and Sarawak brought in 54 Parliament seats to match the 86 from Peninsular Malaysia. Without these 54 Parliament seats from Sabah and Sarawak, Barisan Nasional would be having a mere four-seat majority over the opposition coalition of PKR, DAP and PAS -- while the popular votes garnered by Barisan Nasional would be less than half. It became slightly over half only when the Sabah and Sarawak votes were included.
20 of the 30 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament from Sarawak have agreed to cross-over to the opposition while 16 of the 24 from Sabah will follow suit if Sarawak first takes the plunge. To start the ball rolling, Anifah Aman, brother to the Sabah Chief Minister, rejected the offer for the post of Deputy Minister and with about half a dozen or so other Sabah warlords flew off to Melbourne to meet the other warlords from Sarawak. They have been there since last week; planning, plotting and scheming their moves, which they will make when the time is right. Rest assured Anifah would not act without the consent of his brother, Musa Aman.
They will of course not make their move now. They are waiting for May 2008. By midnight of 14 April 2008, Anwar will be eligible to contest the elections and probably Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim will resign his Bandar Tun Razak seat or Zulkilfi Nordin his Kulim seat. A by-election will then be called and Anwar will of course be that PKR candidate to contest the by-election. On 5 May 2008, Parliament will be convened with Anwar now a Member of Parliament. From 7 May 2008 onwards, 82 opposition Members of Parliament will be able to table a motion of no confidence against Abdullah, supported by no less than 38 Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament, as it now stands. The 38 Members of Parliament from Barisan Nasional is of course the latest tally taken this morning. 7 May 2008 is still more than a month away and one day is a long time in politics, what more 40 days. So expect this 38 to grow further and it should not come as a surprise if the final tally is no longer just a simple majority but a resounding two-thirds majority. Will we see, therefore, Anwar finally taking office as the Sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia?
Nevertheless, while all this is going on, another candidate for the post of the Sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia is also moving very rapidly in the background. And this man is the resident of that very imposing White House-like abode along Langgak Golf.
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has not been sleeping. He has been aggressively meeting hundreds of people from all over Malaysia. Even as you read this Tengku Razaleigh is hosting more than 100 Umno division and branch leaders to a sumptuous feast in his office cum home behind the United States Embassy.
Tengku Razaleigh is going a slightly different route though. While Anwar is working on a 'no confidence' vote in Parliament, Tengku Razaleigh is working on the 193 Umno divisions. And he, thus far, has 74 Umno divisions with him. He needs at least 58 nominations to be able to contest against the party President cum Prime Minister. But that is only if he wishes to contest the August 2008 party elections, which Abdullah is trying to postpone till 2009.
August 2008 is too late. 2009 even later. By then Anwar may already be Prime Minister. So Tengku Razaleigh can't afford to wait till August. He must move now. And, on 4 April 2008, Tengku Razaleigh is organising a rally at his home base in Gua Musang. If he can get more than 100 Umno divisions to attend his rally, then he can push for an EGM on 11 May 2008 whereby the party constitution can be amended to allow the 'normal' two-nomination-only to contest, just like what it is for all the other positions -- plus he probably can get a vote of no confidence against the party president passed as well.
Yes, it is certainly going to be a close race. Tengku Razaleigh will make his move on 4 April while Anwar can make his only after 14 April. Then, Anwar can make his second move after 7 May while Tengku Razaleigh will make his on 11 May.
It will be a photo-finish and a win by the nose. But whose nose will it be that will cross the finishing line first? Hey, I can't reveal all just yet. Khairy Jamaluddin and his boys are reading this too, you know. Let's first of all see if they succeed in postponing the August 2008 Umno party elections to 2009. If they fail, then Tengku Razaleigh is well-poised to become the next Prime Minister. If they succeed in postponing the party elections, well, then I suppose my money will have to be on Anwar. Did I not tell you that Malaysia is an exciting country?
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