Saturday, April 22, 2006

MSAM 2006

Aku outstation ke K.Terengganu for two weeks for Minggu Amanah Saham Malaysia (MSAM)exhibition. Our company showcase about ten products and I am responsible for three products namely Egenera BladeFrame, a high-end utility computing server, TrimContext, an enterprise content management system, and TeamSynthesis, a Business Process Management (BPM) tools. It was reported that on the first two days, a total of 23,000 visitors visited MSAM. Our booth is not the popular one, as we cater for a very niche market and not really suitable for the general public as MSAM is for. And we also did not offer all those goodies such as free balloons or gift items. When asked, our management said its ok because we want to target corporate figures only and not budak-budak sekolah. But anyway we have some interesting visitors such as Pak Lah who officiated the Fleet Management System product launch on the first day and Dato KSU who officiated our Enterprise Content Management System, TrimContext product launch on the second day. I personally briefed our chairman and board of directors, IT Manager of PNB, and some curious looking visitors who are interested to know our products. School children and pakcik and makcik mainly around KT looking around for nice gift items and make-up the big crowd in a carnival atmosphere. MSAM strategically located at Pantai Batu Buruk area, well known for parks and its beach, popular with tourist. On food, on the first we went for this 'bawah pokok' stall and eat nasi hidang including, sotong, puyuh goreng, udang besar, budu & ulam, ikan bakar, telur penyu, complete with watermelon slices. And it cost rm78, for seven of us, not bad, considering the tasty and variety of choices offered. Next the four of us drive to Seberang Takir and have our colek ikan, keropok, & sotong and air kelapa muda, cost us about rm29. Yesterday, after friday prayer at Masjid Terapung at Kuala Ibai, I have a good lunch lauk sotong besar and air durian belanda for a drink, cost me rm6. Today me and my friend go for daging bakar, sotong bakar & kerabu perut, cost me rm8.80. Today is my 6th day. Rindu to see my family, I wish they were here with me at Permai Park Inn.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

42 tahun sudah aku hidup di bumi Mu
baikkah aku ini? terukkan aku ini?
dalam mensyukuri segala nikmat Mu
selamat hari lahir kepada aku
tarikh lahir ku ini rupanya
hampir benar dengan kelahiran Rasulullah
yang kini sudah berusia 1480 tahun
dan aku kini 42 tahun
1438 tahun beza umurku dengan Rasulullah
Ya Allah aku bermohon kepada Mu
berkatilah sisa-sisa hidupku ini
permudahkan segala urusanku
hidupkan aku ini dengan iman
dan matikan aku juga dengan iman
hanya pada Mu lah aku berserah
lapangkan dadaku dan tenangkan jiwaku
sihatkan aku dan murahkan rezkiku
kayakan mindaku dengan ilmu dari sisi Mu
sembuhkan aku dari sebarang penyakit hati
aku ingin jadi hamba Mu yang baik
kalau Rasulullah kekasih Mu dipanggil
mengadap Mu tika usianya 63
bermaknanya aku cuma ada sekadar
21 tahun lagi di alam fana ini
sebelum berhijrah ke alam barzakh itu
meninggal segalanya kecuali
amal jariah ku
ilmu bermanafaat ku
dan doa anak-anak soleh ku
aku berharap Ya Rabbi agar
amal kebaikanku melebihi dosa-dosaku
untuk pergi mengadap Mu
sebagai hamba yang Engkau redhai.

5 apr 2006.

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa 2006

Last week the International Book Fair took place at PWTC. And as usual my family and I are the regular visitors cum customers. We bought 12 good 'hard-cover' books and numerous other books & magazines at a bargain. The books now with my signature, worth mentioning and nicely place at our mini-library at our cozy home are;

1. Jagalah Allah....Allah menjagamu - Dr.Aidh Bin Abdullah Al Qarni
2. Rumahtangga Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. - Al Hamid Al Husaini
3. Cara Manusia Cerdas Menang Dalam Hidup - Imam Ibnu Al Jauziy
4. Kumpulan Doa dan Zikir - Imam Nawawi
5. Kurnia Rabanni Limpahan Rahmat - Syeikh Abdul Qadir Jailani
6. Belitan Iblis - Ibnul Qayyim Al Jauzi
7. Kuliah Subuh Pada Membicarakan Hadis 40 - Syed Ahmad Semait
8. Mencapai Ma'rifat - Ibnu Abdullah Al Naqsyabandi
9. Nashaihul Ibad - Imam Nawawi Al Bantani
10. Secrets of Internet Millionaires Revealed - Irfan Khairi
11. Jerusalem Baru - Michael Collins Piper
12. Dalang-dalang Peperangan - Michael Collins Piper

Hope to finish reading all before the next International Book Fair. Well guys ilmu is about maklumat yg memasuki minda dan maklumat itu di amalkan. Jika tidak di amalkan maklumat itu hanyalah sebagai pengetahuan saja. Contoh, seorang doktor yg ada ilmu kedoktorannya mengaplaksikan ilmu itu kepada pesakit maka jadilah dia seorang doktor yg bermanafaat. Menuntut ilmu itu hukumnya wajib dan tidak stop setakat zaman sekolah saja, malah ianya adalah berterusan hingga akhir hayat. Anak-anak perlu di tarbiah akan pentingnya ilmu. Banyak harta, kita lak kena jaga harta. Tapi banyak ilmu, ilmu itu nanti bisa menjaga kita ye dak. Anyway the theme for this year's Book Fair is Buku Memperkaya Minda (Books Enrich Your Mind), how true. Provided you read the bloody books, not just putting it nicely on the shelf and doing nothing about it. Else its not you who are educated but the lucky shelf...he he.


DOA 4 PERKARA Ustaz adi hidayat (UAH) menyatakan doa yang memohon 4 hal di mana doa ini termaktub dalam hadis Rasulullah SAW yang diriwayatk...