Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Welcome Runi !

Misteri kehilangan Zidan tempoh hari, telah aku tutup kes nya sebagai mati dibaham kucing setelah melompat dan jatuh ke lantai. Kekosongan akuarium beberapa hari itu telah manggamit kenangan indah bersama Zidan. Justru penggantinya perlu dicari, kata isteriku. Kunjungan isteri dan Iman ke kedai Seri, telah menemukan mereka dengan bakal pengganti Zidan. Seekor ariwana perak sama saiz dengan Zidan dulu, dengan harga patut. Cadangan pertama oleh isteri dan disusuli pujukan oleh Iman untuk membelinya, berjaya kupatahkan. Namun cobaan kedua mereka, berjaya. Kini akuarium itu telah dipindah ke indoor bersebelahan dengan TV di second living room. Di hiasi dengan lampu dan campuran 'bahan pewarna' menjadikannya sungguh cantek dan majestik. Bila isteri dan anak2 give me the honour untuk menamakannya. Aku tanpa ragu menamakannya RUNI. Yap.... sempena The Wayne of MU that is. Killer instinctnya tak sehebat Zidan, but getting better. On the first day, Runi baham 7 cengkerik segar. Welcome Runi !!

Friday, March 02, 2007

On Your Own

Sometime I feel on my own in this world. Because only I understand me the best. Not even my mother, my wife, kids, cousins, neighbours, officemates, relatives or friends. I feel me, only me and my Creator. Direct and no barrier. So I talk to Him as I wish. My one hour drive alone to the office is the best time for me. Whatever problems or issues in hand, Allah will listen to me day in day out. When I wake up at nite and its so quiet. I know I am alone and Allah with me. No wonder Qiyamullail is the best. If only I can do it more often. The piece of mind. Problems & issues won't go away just like that. But I know Allah is there for me. Since my existance. He mastermind my destiny. I always prefer to keep it inside me whatever issues related to me. As I feel nobody can understand the way I see it. People can interprate anyway they like it. But Allah understand me. And thats why that is the best way for me, to communicate with Him. Having said that, I still believe that whatever knowledge and skills that I have so far, needs to be shared with others. Thats why I have this blog, editor for my Buletin Surau, presenting tazkirah pagi on weekly basis at the office's PA, posting worth-sharing material over various e-mail group, ocassionally contribute comment and tots on various web-forums and papers. I was born alone and will die alone soon. I got to accept life on my own. Whatever good thing that I feel like doing then I shall do it. Then it will be 'Ikhlas' from me. I pray to Allah to forgive my sins. I pray to Allah to put the love in my heart for good deeds and put the block in my heart for all 'maksiat'. Show me the right path. I want Iman. I pray to Allah for 'rezki' so that I can settle all my debt and escape from Riba. I pray for health. I pray that Allah value all my daily activities as 'ibadah'. I want Redha Allah. I want Syurga Firdaus. So help me Allah. I am on my own with my Creator. Allah hu Akbar.


DOA 4 PERKARA Ustaz adi hidayat (UAH) menyatakan doa yang memohon 4 hal di mana doa ini termaktub dalam hadis Rasulullah SAW yang diriwayatk...